
Revenue Operations Interview: Alex Fisher at Workfront

The Interview

Kluster's Take

Tom spoke with Alex Fisher, Head of International Revenue Operations at Adobe Workfront. He shares his deep knowledge of the Revops space. 

He explains that it’s easy to see ops as a secondary function to enable sales. Alex sees it as the foundation of the strategy that enables revenue. He believes it’s a core function of any business. It’s an all-rounder position and a great place to be if you like an evolving role.

Alex stresses that it’s important to understand the different chunks of the business. It allows you to get a step ahead, driving more effective conversations. Process is critical, if a process isn’t in place or adopted, then you don’t know what data in your business is good. Alex helps people understand the need for good process and KPIs. If you build up a mutual understanding, then you are more likely to have process adoption. He sees process setting as a negotiation, this achieves buy-in as people agree to what they want.

According to Alex, the key to long-term adoption is rhythm, accountability and simplicity. He stresses that you can’t afford to drop any of these. To ensure long-term success, you need to keep up with the changes of the business. It’s key to set expectations and then keep the cadence going.

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