Revenue Fundamentals

A Complete Guide: What is Revenue Operations (RevOps)?

You have probably heard of Sales Operations (or “SalesOps”). But what about Revenue Operations? 

Revenue Operations, or “RevOps” for short, is a relatively new concept in the business world. While it may sound like another buzzword, it represents a new way of thinking about how businesses generate revenue.

In this post, we will explore what RevOps is, and how it can benefit your business. We will also touch on some of the challenges you may face when implementing a RevOps strategy.

If you’re curious to learn more about RevOps, read on!

What Is RevOps?

RevOps, describes the coordination of people, processes, and technology to optimize sales performance and customer engagement. 

The goal of RevOps is to streamline the process of revenue generation by aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams around a common set of KPIs, and a common goal: to drive revenue.

By doing so, RevOps can help companies close more deals, improve customer retention, enhance pricing, and more. 

In order to be successful, RevOps requires alignment between all departments that touch the customer journey, from initial awareness all the way through to post-sale renewal.

It also necessitates tight integration between data and systems across the organization, as well as a clear understanding of which metrics matter most at each stage of the funnel.

Done right, RevOps can be a powerful tool for driving growth and scaling your business.

What is Causing the Rise of RevOps?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the reasons for the rise vary between companies.  However, there are some common factors that are driving this trend.

Unwanted Complexity

One major factor is the increasing complexity of the sales process.

In today's world, customers are more informed and have more options than ever before. As a result, the sales process has become more complex, with more touchpoints and interactions required to close a deal.

This complexity has made it difficult for traditional sales organizations to keep pace, leading many companies to seek out alternatives such as RevOps.

Lack of Visibility

Another factor contributing to the rise of RevOps is the need for greater transparency and visibility into the sales process. With traditional sales models, it can be difficult to track progress and identify bottlenecks.

RevOps provides a much-needed level of transparency and visibility, allowing managers to see where deals are stuck and take steps to get them moving again.


Many companies are looking to RevOps as a way to reduce costs. 

Traditional sales models are often very inefficient, with high overhead costs and low conversion rates. RevOps can help streamline the sales process and improve efficiency, resulting in lower costs and higher revenues. 

The Benefits of RevOps

There are numerous benefits of implementing a RevOps strategy within your organization.

Enhanced Efficiency

Perhaps the most significant benefit is that it can help you achieve your revenue goals more efficiently.

By aligning the sales, marketing, and customer success teams, you can eliminate silos and communication breakdowns that can impede progress.

Additionally, a RevOps approach can help you standardize processes and procedures across departments, which can further improve efficiency.

Clearer Decision Making

Another key benefit of RevOps is that it can help you make data-driven decisions. By centralizing data from all three departments, you can gain insights into what’s working well and what needs improvement.

This data can then be used to inform strategic decisions about where to allocate resources for maximum impact.

Transparency Across the Organization

In order to be successful, RevOps teams need to have buy-in from leadership and access to data from all parts of the organization.

This means working closely with finance, sales, marketing, and product teams to ensure that everyone is aligned on objectives and has the information they need to do their jobs effectively.

Drive Simplicity Across the Organization

In order to drive a  sense of simplicity across the organization, leaders need to put focus on disciplined processes that help create efficiencies. The goal is to eliminate unnecessary complexity and duplication, leading to higher levels of productivity across the company.

Teamwork = Dreamwork

Adopting a RevOps strategy can help improve morale across your organization.

Have you ever heard of arguments or misalignments between sales and marketing? Of course, you have, it happens everywhere.  RevOps is here to help.

When employees feel like they are part of a slick, organized team, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work.  

What Are the Key Metrics for RevOps?

Here are five key metrics any revenue function should be tracking:

Sales Velocity

This includes a number of open opportunities, win rate, sales cycle, and average order value. 

In one single number, you get a feel for how the pace of expected future revenue is moving, based on current pipeline.

Sales Velocity = ([number of open opportunities] x [win rate] x [average order value])/(sales cycle) 

Forecast Accuracy

Running a regular forecast cadence and tracking the accuracy of submitted figures is of paramount importance to the revenue function.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Understanding how much sales and marketing spend is required to gain a single customer is key for revenue leaders, finance teams and the board to help them plan future growth.

Life Time Value (LTV)

Combining revenue with renewal rate gives LTV: the total amount you are expected to receive from a customer over their lifetime.

This is of strategic importance when deciding how much capital to spend in what sections of the company to acquire certain types of customers.


Like many metrics in RevOps, this is more difficult than it sounds. 

You will need to meticulously track all your revenue streams, taking into account:

  • Is it recurring? If so, how do you calculate the recurring nature?
  • What currencies are the streams in?  At what times do you decide to use a given exchange rate?
  • How do you account for future known changes, for example, churn or upsells that will happen in future months?

How Do You Know if You Need RevOps?

If your company is growing quickly and you’re finding it difficult to keep up with demand, you may need to implement RevOps.

The goal of RevOps is to align your sales, marketing, and customer success teams so that they’re all working together towards the common goal of generating revenue.

This alignment can help you close more deals, improve customer retention, and boost your bottom line.

If you’re not sure whether or not your company needs RevOps, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you have a clear picture of your customers?

2. Are your sales, marketing, and customer success teams working together effectively?

3. Do you have a process in place for tracking leads and opportunities?

4. Are you able to quickly adapt to changes in the market?

5. Are you consistently meeting or exceeding your revenue goals?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then implementing RevOps could help you take your business to the next level.


As more and more companies move to a cloud-based, subscription model for their products and services, they are also adopting a new approach to managing their revenue – known as Revenue Operations or RevOps.

RevOps is about aligning your sales, marketing, and finance teams around a common goal: maximizing revenue.

This means working together to identify and close new business opportunities; optimize pricing and packaging; streamline the billing and collections process, and measure and report on results.

By taking a holistic view of the revenue cycle, RevOps can help you increase efficiency, improve visibility into performance, and make better decisions about where to invest for growth. 

If you’re thinking about adopting RevOps at your company, get in touch with Kluster - we are happy to help.

Good luck!

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